Purebred Dairy Goats
BNH Livestock is a family run farm and we pride ourselves on the quality of our small nubian and lamancha dairy goat herd.
Nubian goats are known for the highest butterfat milk in all dairy goat breeds, their roman nose and large pendulous ears. We chose this breed because of their temperament and sociable nature as well as the flavour of their milk which make it ideal for our own personal consumption. The initial reason we chose to get in to the dairy goats is because many of our family members have dairy intolerances or allergies and goat milk is something that is tolerable, but costly and hard to come by in local stores. We find that our own milk produced is much sweeter, smoother and does not have the "goaty" flavour that many people stray away from goat products for. Goat milk is more easily digested by the human body than cow's milk and we have found this to be hugely true when it comes to tolerances and overall gut health in our family. We have small children that are constantly in interaction with our goats and they absolutely love that they are able to work with and help out with the goats, milking, feeding or small tasks.
Our Lamancha goats come from the top lines that you will find in all of Western Canada and we are excited about the future with this breed at BNH.The Lamancha dairy goat is born with its unique small ears, in fact, that is the distinguishing feature of this breed. This breed is thought to have descended from Spanish goats brought by early settlers to California. Many people were involved in bringing this small eared goat to breed status, but most of the credit is given to Eula Fay Frey who was located in southern Oregon. The first 60 registered animals were registered in the Frey herd-name-FAY. The Lamancha does have several other traits that make it one of the more popular dairy breeds today. Lamanchas are a dependable dairy goat that produces quality milk with high butterfat and protein over a long period of time. They are one of the easier does to milk for 2 years without rebreeding. The Lamanchas are easy keepers, vigorous and adaptable. A huge positive for us is their easy going disposition, they are inquisitive, lovable as well as cooperative both on the milk stand, and in the show ring.
We have sourced our nubian and lamancha genetics from across Canada and are super excited for the future of our herd and where they may take us and the people we get to meet along the way. All of our goats are run on an annual vaccination program under direction of a certified vet as well as tested annually for CAE and Johnes. Keep an eye on our page as we will try to keep things up to date on up and coming breedings and available kids that we may have in the future. Thank you for your interest in our program and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments that you may have.
Nubian goats are known for the highest butterfat milk in all dairy goat breeds, their roman nose and large pendulous ears. We chose this breed because of their temperament and sociable nature as well as the flavour of their milk which make it ideal for our own personal consumption. The initial reason we chose to get in to the dairy goats is because many of our family members have dairy intolerances or allergies and goat milk is something that is tolerable, but costly and hard to come by in local stores. We find that our own milk produced is much sweeter, smoother and does not have the "goaty" flavour that many people stray away from goat products for. Goat milk is more easily digested by the human body than cow's milk and we have found this to be hugely true when it comes to tolerances and overall gut health in our family. We have small children that are constantly in interaction with our goats and they absolutely love that they are able to work with and help out with the goats, milking, feeding or small tasks.
Our Lamancha goats come from the top lines that you will find in all of Western Canada and we are excited about the future with this breed at BNH.The Lamancha dairy goat is born with its unique small ears, in fact, that is the distinguishing feature of this breed. This breed is thought to have descended from Spanish goats brought by early settlers to California. Many people were involved in bringing this small eared goat to breed status, but most of the credit is given to Eula Fay Frey who was located in southern Oregon. The first 60 registered animals were registered in the Frey herd-name-FAY. The Lamancha does have several other traits that make it one of the more popular dairy breeds today. Lamanchas are a dependable dairy goat that produces quality milk with high butterfat and protein over a long period of time. They are one of the easier does to milk for 2 years without rebreeding. The Lamanchas are easy keepers, vigorous and adaptable. A huge positive for us is their easy going disposition, they are inquisitive, lovable as well as cooperative both on the milk stand, and in the show ring.
We have sourced our nubian and lamancha genetics from across Canada and are super excited for the future of our herd and where they may take us and the people we get to meet along the way. All of our goats are run on an annual vaccination program under direction of a certified vet as well as tested annually for CAE and Johnes. Keep an eye on our page as we will try to keep things up to date on up and coming breedings and available kids that we may have in the future. Thank you for your interest in our program and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments that you may have.
If you are interested in being added to the contact list or to reserve a 2023 kid please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or find us on facebook at BNH Livestock and we would love to chat.